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BETA Update: Player Submission Dates

We’ve added another writer to our team (Welcome Karl!) and are looking to bring in another Plot Brownie to help Kristen with going through the monthly updates and scandals. It’s a lot to track and to write, so to help all the GM team out with reaching their deadline goals for publications, we’re updating the submission form dates. The following will apply beginning January:

  • The 10th of the month for print submissions (articles, art, etc.) to be included in that month’s publication(s) – articles received after the 10th may be moved to the following month

  • The 14th of the month for Character updates (this is not the major events form, which is used any time there is a major event or major scandal from all players involved, scandal is tracked separately - if you aren't sure which form to use for what and when, click here).

These dates will hopefully give the writers a bit more time to go through the submissions and be able to pace things in a way that is more sustainable on their time, as well as plan for the space we have available each month. We would love to see more PC articles, letters to the editor, and art. We’ve had some great submissions so far, but welcome and encourage more!

We’ve also been making sure each character has a mention in The London Chronicle, and where it makes sense in the various Topic sheets (and love how you roll with it in character when we mere mortals mess something up). Submitting those monthly update forms gives your Goblins more character and plot information to play with and include with the game publications, so if there’s something important (what your PC wore or a small event they hosted, for example) that you’d like to see highlighted, please send it in. You don't have to submit an update each month, but it's helpful for giving plot an idea of what your PC is up to and what you want to see in print or to be seeded into the game.

Our glorious mods have programmed the discord turtle to automatically remind players a couple of days before the submission date each month. Bless that Turtle.

If you aren't sure what form to use for what, see the form FAQ here.

Still have questions after that? Send us an email or open a discord ticket.

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